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F1 Hybrid Capsicum Saksun


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F1 Hybrid Capsicum Saksun

F1 Hybrid Capsicum Saksun: Product Details
Vegetable: Capsicum (Bell Pepper)
Variety: F1 Hybrid Saksun
Maturity: Early maturing (around 60-70 days from transplanting)
Plant habit: Compact and determinate growth habit
Fruit characteristics:

Elongated shape with smooth, glossy skin
Thick pericarp (flesh)
Bright red color when ripe
Average fruit weight: 150-200g
High yield potential
Key features and benefits:

Excellent resistance to various diseases like TMV, bacterial wilt, and anthracnose
Suitable for cultivation in both open fields and greenhouses
Strong plant structure that can withstand harsh weather conditions
High marketable yield of good quality fruits
Crisp and sweet taste, ideal for fresh consumption and salads
Additional details:

Seed count per packet: 500-1000 seeds (depending on brand)
Sowing season: October to December (in Bangladesh)
Transplanting distance: 60-70 cm plant-to-plant, 40-50 cm row-to-row
Fertilizer requirements: Moderate application of balanced fertilizer with emphasis on potassium and calcium
Water requirements: Regular watering, avoiding waterlogging
Tips for growing F1 Hybrid Capsicum Saksun:

Start seeds in a nursery 4-6 weeks before transplanting.
Harden off seedlings before transplanting to the field.
Provide adequate support for the plants as they grow and fruit.
Maintain consistent soil moisture and avoid overwatering.
Monitor for pests and diseases and take necessary control measures.

This information is provided for general informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional advice. Always consult with a qualified agricultural professional for specific recommendations regarding your growing conditions and needs.

Additional information


full packet seeds, short packet

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